Thursday, 9 February 2012


Skirt: H&M (find a similar one here) 
Shirt: Gap (find a similar one here)
Boots: Kolding, Ecco (find it here
Watch: Couturier, Tissot (find it here)
Scarf: H&M (find a similar one here)
Bag: Marche aux Puces Clignancourt, Paris (find a similar one here) 
Coat: Boutique in Montreal - I forget the name (find a similar one here)

The second day of our trip started with several cups of tea/coffee to clear our groggy heads, before we headed to the Times Square discount ticket booth. When I know that I'm going to be doing a lot of walking, it's very important that I feel comfortable in my clothes. I kept my outfit simple with a plain grey long-sleeved shirt and a high-waisted black felt skirt. I added thick black tights for extra warmth and stuck with my comfy black Ecco boots. Alex and I each bought a pair of cheap Duane Reade gel inserts after the first day because our feet were killing us from walking so much. Many "Are you gellin'?" jokes ensued.
We ended up getting tickets to see Seminar, a play about the students and professor of a fiction writing class. It starred Alan Rickman (read: Professor Snape) and Jerry O'Connell (read: the chubby kid in Stand By Me and hubby of Rebecca Romijn). Since we had about an hour to burn before the matinee, we walked around Times Square, met a Transformer and grabbed a delicious icing-covered cookie.
That night we decided to splurge a little on dinner so we made a reservation at Freeman's, a great restaurant on the lower east side with delicious artichoke dip and a slightly-pretentious 'rustic' decor. Daniela, Alex and I met up with another friend from university and we had such a nice time catching up! I ordered the oven-baked macaroni and cheese and then slipped into a cheese-induced coma...mmmmm...cheese....

We tried not to stay up too late that night, since we wanted to go to listen to the gospel music at Mount Neboh Baptist Church the next morning. Stay tuned for our last day of adventures!
Talk soon,

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